Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year: Stories of 2014

Today, I would like to say something brief.
The year is almost over.  It is 8:30, on December 31, 2014.  And I can't believe it.  I'm sitting here on the roof with all my jovial relatives, and we're having a bonfire.  I've heard when you die, you see your life flash in segments before you.  There is a reason they play slideshows at graduations, and conferences, and weddings, and funerals.  I see all of it here, too.  I don't know whether to look at the bonfire, feel the present, and then move on, or just to hold on a little.  Look back and recap for a second.  Maybe both? The relationships, spirit, philosophy, school, reading, writing, internship, individuality, insignificance, boredom, unity, and Zen, and history, and quality, and euphoria: what I see in the fire past the children playing on the roof sums up my year.
That's in no particular order, by the way.  I don't ever go over anything in a set number of days.  In fact, I don't even go over anything: I am all of those things.  I explored relationships, and how everything is one.  What the implications are of this, and how it all fares in the scope of time.  The funny thing is, if you were to ask me about all of that right now, I wouldn't have much of an idea what to say.  I also feel a condescending and fake side to it: as if it's all misguided.  Please do not judge me as a fake.  Because I actually care about all of this stuff.  Do not take it away from me.
And what I feel is the infinity behind all of these experiences and ideas.  I'm on this trip in part to aid the transition to the new year by adding some new cool experiences, but I don't want to let go of 2014 just yet.  It's been the calm before the storm, because next year is going to be hard.  There is a lot going on.  But I don't want to think about that now.  All this has happened this year, and now, that is what matters to me.  I will always have fluctuations regarding how important I think I am, and so will you.  Soon, this paragraph will seem like a useless series of words that are nothing compared to the brilliance of this vast populated world.  But it doesn't matter right now if there are seven billion people on this planet. Right now, what matters is you.  How big and sprawling your year has been.   For a second, I want you to forget about how important you are.  There is no need to feel small, since you have many stories only you can tell.  Seven billion is just a number.
I've shared.  Now it's your turn.  Reader: tell us, how has your year been?  What stories can you tell? More importantly, what did you get out of them? Think about your answers carefully, and leave them in the comment section below.
With that, I wish you all the power to live 2015 and on to the fullest.

Happy new year!
   Ahsem Kabir

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